Data Science for Brescia – Arts and Cultural Places

Interior of the medieval church of Santa Maria in Solario – Santa Giulia Museum Complex, Brescia, Italy
Source: Archivio fotografico Musei di Brescia

The Project “Data Science for Brescia – Arts and Cultural Places” (DS4BS) has the main objective to increase knowledge about the way people visit the cultural places (museums, theaters, monuments and historic buildings) in the city of Brescia, in order to support institutions and decision makers. Special attention is devoted to the experimentation of new ways for public detection and engagement, exploring cultural attitudes and perceptions, and developing new forms of accessibility to culture, also with reference to the cultural tourism.

Scientific coordinator: Marica Manisera


Maurizio Carpita, Paola Zuccolotto, Enrico Ripamonti, Manlio Migliorati, Riccardo Ricciardi, Selene Perazzini, Ambra Macis (DMS-StatLab, Department of Economics and Management, University of Brescia)

Devis Bianchini, Barbara Rita Barricelli, Daniela Fogli, Massimiliano Garda (Department of Information Engineering, University of Brescia)



Link to the Italian description of the Project

Media coverage


To achieve the goals of DS4BS, a Data Science approach, combining the use of big data and new technologies with complex statistical methods and predictive tools, is developed following two integrated research lines.

The first research line is devoted to test innovative methods of integration and analysis of big data from mobile phone network systems will be tested, in order to collect information useful for monitoring visits to cultural sites in the city of Brescia. To this aim, an original multi-stage approach for high-dimensional data is used, which permits to estimate the number of phone users for different reference days by means of the Histogram of Oriented Gradients algorithm for data dimensionality reduction, and a mix of k-means and Functional Data Analysis Model-Based Clustering methods for profiling time periods. The focus is on people movements between cultural places and along cultural itineraries.

The second research line is devoted to evaluate the experience of people during their visit to artistic and cultural places, also in light of innovative and digital initiatives promoted by museums in the COVID-19 era. The focus will be on the persons’ sensory experiences during the visit to the museums. We start from the collection of digital data by delivering survey questionnaires via apps running on smartphones. This data is used to quantify the sensing experience of visitors in front of artworks, resorting to phenomena like synesthesia and ideasthesia, in which activation of concepts evoke sensory feelings. The resulting data will be analysed by means of statistical methods of multivariate data analysis conceived to deal with survey data, specifically with Likert-type scales and rating-point semantic differential scales. The sensing experience quantification of visitors, properly integrated with other information about the visitors’ movements along cultural itineraries, multimedia contents on artworks and their tailoring towards different categories of visitors, will contribute to provide a holistic vision of artworks as smart objects, that is, autonomous physical digital objects augmented with sensing capabilities and enriched with a huge variety of multimedia content. In this Project, smart objects representation will be used to support museum professionals in preparing new cultural itineraries for visitors, without requiring specific technological skills, and to give visitors personalized exploration of cultural heritage on their personal smartphone. Experimentation will be performed in museums managed by Fondazione Brescia Musei.

The DS4BS Project favors experimentation by public, non-profit and private organizations interested in new forms of visitors’ experience with arts and cultural places based on the most advanced information and telecommunication technologies (4G/5G, GPS and smartphone apps); these technologies do not require appreciable investments for the purchase of specific devices as audio-guide recorders and 3D glasses and promote social distancing, thus being useful not only to reduce costs but also to moderate, for example, epidemic risks such as that caused by COVID-19 pandemic.

Integration of big data from antenna networks and from apps installed on smartphones by visitors of cultural places makes it possible to produce new knowledge, useful for guiding policies and decision-making processes with the aim to enhance the quality of their offers and services, with positive impact on citizens, cultural tourism, society and economy.

The DS4BS Project has received the endorsement of the Municipality of Brescia (ITIS – Information Technology, Innovation and Statistics Sector) and the Fondazione Brescia Musei, and is part of the research activities dedicated by the University of Brescia to support the important event planned for 2023, when Bergamo and Brescia will be the Italian Capital of Culture.


Main dissemination activities

Dissemination articles

Dissemination events

Specific projects

Analisi delle componenti principali lineare e nonlineare: studio metodologico ed empirico

Master degree thesis of Francesca Ghiglia (supervisor: Paola Zuccolotto, co-supervisor: Marica Manisera) – 2023

Thesis Slides

Esperienza del visitatore a Brixia.Parco Archeologico di Brescia Romana: un’analisi statistica

Bachelor degree thesis of Paolo Roberti (supervisor: Enrico Ripamonti) – 2023


Uno studio statistico sulla fruizione teatrale in Italia

Bachelor degree thesis of Sara Iustoni (supervisor: Marica Manisera) – 2023

Thesis Slides

Spectral Clustering: analisi della teoria e applicazione allo studio della visitor experience alla pinacoteca Tosio Martinengo

Master degree thesis of Elena Romano (supervisor: Paola Zuccolotto, co-supervisor: Matteo Ventura) – 2023

Thesis Slides

Analisi delle percezioni espresse su scale a differenziale semantico: stima di feeling e incertezza con il modello CUM

Master degree thesis of Paolo Vezzoli (supervisor: Paola Zuccolotto, co-supervisor: Marica Manisera) – 2023

Thesis Slides

Un’indagine statistica sull’esperienza del visitatore museale: il caso della Pinacoteca Tosio Martinengo

Bachelor degree thesis of Daiana Marella (supervisor: Enrico Ripamonti) – 2023

Thesis Slides

Big data for Brixia. Un’analisi dei flussi di visitatori

Bachelor degree thesis of Michael Olivari (supervisor: Enrico Ripamonti) – 2023

Thesis Slides

La data science al servizio della cultura: identificazione dei profili di visitatore del Museo di Santa Giulia per la definizione di strategie di gamification e percorsi personalizzati interattivi

Master degree thesis of Alessandro Salvetti (supervisor: Paola Zuccolotto, co-supervisor: Marica Manisera) – 2022

Thesis Slides

Feeling e incertezza: la classe dei modelli CUB per la valutazione delle percezioni. Uno studio sulla visitor experience presso il Museo di Santa Giulia

Master degree thesis of Martina Baga (supervisor: Paola Zuccolotto, co-supervisor: Marica Manisera) – 2022

Thesis Slides

Statistica, Tecnologia e Arte: un’analisi statistica sull’esperienza dei visitatori del Museo di Santa Giulia

Bachelor degree thesis of Federica Alberti (supervisor: Marica Manisera) – 2022

Thesis Slides

Analisi Statistica sulla Visitor Experience degli utenti del Museo di Santa Giulia

Bachelor degree thesis of Chiara Avanzi (supervisor: Marica Manisera) – 2022

Thesis Slides

L’esperienza dei visitatori museali: Un’indagine sui post Instagram e sulle recensioni

Bachelor degree thesis of Mattia Natali (supervisor: Enrico Ripamonti) – 2022

Thesis Slides

Analisi dell’esperienza del visitatore nel museo: il caso studio dei Smithsonian’s Museums

Bachelor degree thesis of Elisa Rossi (supervisor: Enrico Ripamonti) – 2022

Thesis Slides

I giovani e il Franciacorta DOCG: una ricerca statistica di mercato in chiave di promozione strategica

Master degree thesis of Federica Paderni (supervisor: Paola Zuccolotto, co-supervisor: Cristian Pelizzari) – 2021

Thesis Slides

La statistica a supporto della cultura: un’indagine statistica sulla visitor experience degli utenti della Pinacoteca Tosio-Martinengo di Brescia

Master degree thesis of Federico Tonsi (supervisor: Marica Manisera, co-supervisor: Paola Zuccolotto) – 2021

Thesis Slides Video Webinar Slides Webinar

Un’indagine statistica sulle nuove modalità di fruizione dei luoghi della cultura e sull’esperienza sensoriale dei visitatori: il caso della Pinacoteca Tosio-Martinengo

Master degree thesis of Alessandro Tonsi (supervisor: Marica Manisera, co-supervisor: Paola Zuccolotto) – 2021

Thesis Slides Video Webinar Slides Webinar

Analisi sensoriale dell’esperienza di visita di un museo: il caso della Pinacoteca di Brescia

Master degree thesis of Giulia Zanoletti (supervisor: Paola Zuccolotto, co-supervisor: Marica Manisera) – 2019

Thesis Slides Article

Conference ASA – STATISTICS FOR HEALTH AND WELL-BEING, Brescia 25th-27th September 2019 (Book of abstracts, page 25)

Indagine statistica relativa all’esperienza vissuta dagli utenti del Museo Santa Giulia

Master degree thesis of Loredana Scassa (supervisor: Marica Manisera, co-supervisor: Paola Zuccolotto) – 2019

Thesis Slides Article

Conference ASA – STATISTICS FOR HEALTH AND WELL-BEING, Brescia 25th-27th September 2019 (Book of abstracts, page 24)

Analisi della Customer Experience all’interno di un museo: il caso della Pinacoteca di Brescia

Master degree thesis of Elisa Cirillo (supervisor: Paola Zuccolotto, co-supervisor: Marica Manisera) – 2019

Thesis Slides

Conference ASA – STATISTICS FOR HEALTH AND WELL-BEING, Brescia 25th-27th September 2019 (Book of abstracts, page 25)

Indagine statistica relativa alla visita nei musei di Brescia: il parco archeologico

Master degree thesis of Paola Biggi (supervisor: Marica Manisera, co-supervisor: Paola Zuccolotto) – 2019

Thesis Slides Article

Conference ASA – STATISTICS FOR HEALTH AND WELL-BEING, Brescia 25th-27th September 2019 (Book of abstracts, page 24)

Edutainment e statistica nel turismo culturale: un caso di studio in Valle Camonica, la Valle dei Segni

Master degree thesis of Maddalena Troletti (supervisor: Paola Zuccolotto, co-supervisor: Marica Manisera) – 2018

Thesis Slides Article

Citizen Satisfaction Management nei servizi pubblici culturali. Un’indagine statistica sulla Biblioteca Queriniana di Brescia

Master degree thesis of Esmeralda Rossi (supervisor: Paola Zuccolotto, co-supervisor: Eugenio Brentari) – 2018

Thesis Slides