Collaborate with BODaI-Lab

BODaI-Lab is open to collaboration for the development and realization of research projects (both theoretical and applied) proposed by researchers of the University of Brescia, in collaboration with other universities and research centers, as well as by public administration and private companies.

Download Manual  (for researchers of the University of Brescia)

Research Projects proposals

Download Form  (for researchers of the University of Brescia)

Request for use of resources

Download Form  (for researchers of the University of Brescia)

Request for use of computing resources

ICT webpage  (for researchers of the University of Brescia)

The ICT service of the University of Brescia and the Big & Open Data Innovation Laboratory provide a Research support in agreement with the HPC Department of Cineca, consisting of the use of the computing resources on the following available platforms:

Intel Broadwell CPU: 2x Intel Xeon E5-2697 v4 @ 2.3GHZ 18 core each – 54.432 Core / 1512 Node – 128 GB per Node

Intel Knights Landing CPU 1x Intel Xeon Phi7250 @ 1.4GHz 68 cores – 244800 Core / 3600 Node – 96 GB per Node

Resources can be requested in blocks of 10,000 hours.

In addition to the CPU hours, each project is also assigned a disk space divided into 2 folders: $HOME (2 GB) and $WORK(1 TeraB).