Characterizing and Measuring Visual Information Literacy

Visual Information Literacy is the ability to properly process information related to data graphics, i.e., encoding information into data graphics and decoding information from data graphics. Cognitive models help hypothesize, analyze, and assess how individuals understand complex concepts (declarative knowledge) and apply skills (procedural knowledge), also by means of their literacy level, throughout their active lifetime. Many literacy assessment tests, based on cognitive tasks, became a standard measuring instrument of student’s literacy with texts and with numbers. For graphicacy, a standard model and measurement test is still missing.

This project aims at providing a characterizazion of “Visual Information Literacy” and its assessment, towards a standard measurement scale.
The expected impacts are: scientific, in the pursue of a rigorous methodology to measure a human property; social, for the effects in educational curricula and long life learning initiatives; technological, for the potential impacts on the design and development of visual information for natural intelligence, also in cooperation with artificial intelligence tools.

Scientific coordinator: Angela Locoro

Participants: Silvia Golia, Sara Beschi

(We will soon move in this new house, in the meantime please find more information here)