Big & Open Data Innovation Laboratory (BODaI-Lab) at University of Brescia was born within the context of Health & Wealth strategic project with the aim of creating working groups that study and develop – through specific research projects – new methods, techniques and tools for multidisciplinary data collection, management and analysis, in order to foster technological transfer towards industry and Public Administration (PA).
Main goal is at sustaining and enforcing research and development of cutting-edge solutions within the University of Brescia, for efficient management of large amount of digital data, to extract from them information and knowledge in the areas of medicine, engineering, economy, finance, social science, law.
New models, methods and tools developed will concern organization, classification, integration, search, analysis and visualization of huge, heterogeneous and complex collections of digital data (big data), including open data, provided by private and public stakeholders – with the aim of enabling knowledge extraction and generation, easing decision processes in private sector and public policies, according to the modern paradigm of data-driven innovation.
Il BODaI-Lab è aperto alla collaborazione per la realizzazione di progetti di ricerca (teorica e applicata) proposti da ricercatori dell’Università degli studi di Brescia, di altre Università e centri di ricercapubblici e privati, nonché da enti della pubblica amministrazione e imprese private.
Big & Open Data Innovation LaboratoryProposta progetti di ricerca
Big & Open Data Innovation LaboratoryRichiesta utilizzo risorse